And so it begins…
March 18, 2020Holy Cross Constitution Update
December 11, 2020Good Afternoon Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Today I just wanted to provide all of you with some instructions on how to access our online Facebook Live Worship experiences on Sunday mornings. We have been holding worship at 10:00AM each Sunday morning for the last three weeks and while many of you have figured out how to get there a few of you are still struggling.
You need to know that you do not need to have a Facebook account of your own to do this. You can get there in one of two ways. On your computer, tablet, or smartphone go to your web browser (the way you get to the internet) and click on or type in the following link: https://www.facebook.com/holycrosstr/ This will take you directly to the Facebook page. It may ask you if you want to create an account. Just say “Not Now” and you will be able to look around on the page.
The other way to get there is through the web page. At the very top right hand corner of the page you will see something like this:
Look for the little “f” in the upper right. That is a direct link to our Facebook Page. All you have to do is click on it and your good to go just as with the first option above.
For those who are interested, the little square with the circle inside it next to the “f” will take you to our Instagram page where you can see pictures of our activities. The little envelope to the far right allows you to send us an email.
If you have a Facebook account it’s even easier. Just use either of the options above to get to the page, log in with your own account, or search for “holycrosstr” at the top of your Facebook page, and then “Like” the page. That way you’ll always see it listed to the left of your home page as a shortcut and can get to it easily.
Hope that was helpful… More coming soon!
Pastor Sue