

  • You will attend service on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. You may sit with your parents/family or as a class group.
  • Parents are encouraged to attend service with their kids.


  • Sundays 9:00 – 9:45


  • Beginning in October, the Luther’s Rookies will be serving on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of every month. You will be signing up during orientation for the entire year. The number of times you will serve depends on the number of students in the class. No more than 3 people can sign up for each available date. Amy will assign you your altar serving position (assisting minister, deacon, or acolyte). You will receive a schedule for the entire year, and you will receive reminders (via email) when you are serving. In the reminder email will also be any readings you will be doing as well as the prayers. If you are unable to serve for the day you signed up for, you are responsible for finding coverage by the Wednesday of the week you are serving. All first year students will serve on May 15th as that is the date of the Affirmation of Baptism.


I am serving on the following dates:





Class Structure:

  • Highs/Lows
    • Each youth will share one good thing and one bad thing that has happened since our last meeting. Our classroom is a safe zone and things shared will not leave this room (unless it is harmful situation).
  • Lesson
  • Questions and Answers session

A note about Cell Phones

I do not have an issue with students having their phones in class. However, if the phones become a distraction, phones will be collected at the beginning of class and returned at the end of class.